There are days when I question my self-worth, when I question what my value is,, where I question what my mission here is on this planet. There are times I say to God -- "how did you allow what happened to a child???"
OH yes I have the poor me times, sometimes often. Sometimes just wondering how I am going to make it through to the next day.
After the talk with my mentor.....I remember thinking for hours how unfair it was that I was broken and it wasn't my fault....I played the poor me, I thought about how lonely I was, even through I was around people all the time I thought about what life had done to me.
Then a another key person in my life said....."life didn't do anything to you....he did--What are you going to do about it?"
Those words went straight to my heart. She was right, life hadn't done anything to me, God hadn't done anything to me. HE had done it all. What was I going to do with this experience now that it was over? What was I going to do with my broken self so that I could heal and help others during their journey?
Well here we are a year and half later. I am definitely in a better space, but there are days. My stuff is difficult for me and your stuff is difficult to you. When you face a trauma, abuse, breakup, or other major thing in your life -- it will impact each of us differently.
I am just rambling on here....but I guess what I want you to know is whatever you are going through, whatever the season you are in, whatever the moment you are feeling, whatever pain, happiness, life moments -- they are yours - take them as a gift - no matter how difficult and use them to help yourself and others.
This thing called life isn't easy, isn't always peachy and fun, and by no means simple.....but it sure is an adventure and one heck of a ride.
What are you going to do with what you have been handed today? What are you doing with the past? What are you doing with your future -- and WHOM WILL YOU HELP when its all said and done?
Praying for lives to be changed....
with love, -P