As survivors of child sexual abuse, expecially at the hands of a parent, you really feel like you are never good enough. They want you to feel inferior to them and will tell you things like you aren't worthy of someone to love you, you will never be skinny enough, you will never get married, you are ugy to everyone, but me.
It is amazing how these thoughts, the words that are spoken by those that are suppose to protest us, by those that are our parents, our supporters, our protection...but they are hurting us behind closed doors...they are hurting us not only with their hands and other parts of their body, but with their words--words that pierce and stay and hurt and continue to rise up and taken control of our minds and our hearts as the days go on.
My abuser did. He told me I was fat, I wasn't going to amount to anything, that he was the only person that could ever love me, that I was broken and no one would want me to now -- and the list goes on to the negative nasty things that he would say.
Words that pierce and continue to pierce over and over and over again as the years go on.
But in reality those words that your offender said, those words that a parent or someone you care about said to you, really mean nothing but a way for them to control you. And as you continue on in your life and allowing the words that were said back then or yesterday or whenever to impact your daily movement, your daily actions, your daily thoughts....your happiness or your sadness -- is a disservice to you as a person.
Those controlling statements, thoughts, and words -- saying you don't measure up are so wrong. You can overcome those words....those words that make you feel anything other than great. Because they came from places that were dark and unhealthy.
Remembering that you are amazing, you are worthy of love and especially loving yourself...
Sometimes life throws us curves that we aren't planning on -- no one plans on the negative, nasty, uncomfortable, stuff that happens....but its life....taking what happens to us and controlling how we allow those things to impact our lives, day in and day what we can control.....HOW WILL YOU USE WHAT HAS HAPPENED - to impact in a good way.
You can now control it have the power and you are worth.
Praying for lives to be changed.