So maybe you have been abused and maybe you haven't. Maybe you have experienced pain and hurt from someone you trusted, someone you loved, someonone you opened your heart to, pain inflicted by a relationship, in a friendship, from a family member, from an employer, maybe you have been betrayed, raped, molested-----pain and hurt at the root of it all. Since all the hurt and pain has stopped -- from whatever horrible experience you have had in life, have you been able to truly love??
Have you been able to love with your whole heart? Have you been able to be loved?
Has the dark cloud been following you around -- being guarded, careful, hidden, sheilded in your life?
Have you experienced the inability to love or to truly be loved?
I found this in my own life---so ultiimately true! The pain and hurt caused at the hands of my father--impacting my ability to love and the ability for me to allow others to love me. Not wanting to ever be hurt again, not wanting to ever be vulnerable to the point my heart was exposed, was a terrible way to live. I couldn't ever truly experience life as God intended it to be. I found worry, pain, fear to rule my life. Looking over my shoulder constantly theoretically. Putting up the guards to protect myself.
NOT THE WAY TO LIVE. This also exposes you to grabbing ahold of attention and love in the wrong places.
Finding My Ultimate Forgiveness has allowed me to freely love and to freely be loved by those in my life. That doesn't
mean it's always easy--by no means is that true. It doesn't mean that sometimes the pain isn't there in the forefront, but for me it means it no longer controls my life. The pain and hurt at the hands of that man, no longer guides the way I live, am loved, or give love. I now have the ability to love with my whole heart, the ability to accept love, and the ability to keep the guards down and not having the worry and fear at the front of my mind and life! You too can have the freedom and ability to do the same! There is light at the end of the tunnel-you deserve the best life that was planned out for you
Luke 7:47 "Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has
shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”