Does your religion? Does your race? Does your life? Does who you love? Does your past? Does your family? Does your job? Does your children?
What do you allow to define who you are?
Who you are is only your choice. Things that have happened to you should never define you. I chose a while ago, that even though my biological father abused me, raped me, had sex with me, took away my childhood, took away my innocence, literally could have taken away me......WASN'T going to define who I was going to be in my life to come.
My childhood, the abuse, definitely shaped me. I wouldn't be who I am today. I definitely wouldn't be as strong, as confident, as sure of myself. I wouldn't care for people as I do, I wouldn't be talking about what happened to me. But if I would have allowed what that man took from me to DEFINE me...I could be hiding inside my entire life, not talking to people, be passive, be alone, be quiet, be stepped on, and to continue to be abused by others as I went through my life.
What is defining you? Stop now and allow whatever it is to shape you and mold you, but never ever ever let it DEFINE you.