I have decided though, over the course of the next 30+ days or so, I am going to share memories of my brother through writings here, his art, his writings, and my reflections.
I hope for one thing - I hope you will see what many didn't see and at times I DIDN'T SEE. I hope you get to know the complex man, whose brain was frozen at times, as a little boy. A little boy with no control over what was happening in his life, to his body, mind, or soul. I hope that you see the true HERO he was and that you will know him deeper and more intimately, as we head into a year of him finally being at PEACE.
Hug your siblings - as they won't always be here, don't take advantage, don't try and fix them....stop listen, ask, and be intentional and REALLY TRULY get to know them, at a level no one else does.
More to come...I hope you will be here and join me.
No longer is the time to be quiet and hidden.
His suffering will never being in vain.
Dedicated to Cory T Barker, the man, the myth, the legend.