Now let's imagine - can YOU imagine - being hated at the deepest level, just because you were born? Can you imagine - being a baby - a toddler - a teen...knowing the person you are suppose to love, call "daddy" and obey - hates you to his ultimate core. NO most can't even fathom.
This is the world, this little boy, Cory, my brother, was born into. He did nothing wrong, except be born. He was loved deeply by our mother. He was your typical child, adventurous, loved to experiment, ride bikes, and he LOVED THE DUKES OF HAZZARD!!
Cory loved to watch the Dukes - all their adventures, their shenanigans in the General Lee...he couldn't get enough. He was hoot and holler. The joy on his face - made me smile from ear to ear. Those are days I remember well, when my brother was having so much fun and we would laugh so hard.
Right after he got this tricycle as a gift - he decided that it would be named the General Lee and that he was going to go and drive fast and do some stunts just like in the show. No one knew what he was doing - till I heard him yell "Yea=Haaaa." I went running around the corner just as he was pedaling as fast as he could go off the picnic table and before my mom or I could stop him...he was in the air and tumbling down bike and Cory and all.
He was on the ground and my mother went running over. he crawed from under the trike and yelled "Yee-Haaaa!!!"
Mom wasn't pleased. She didn't yell, as she wanted to make sure he was ok, then went on to explain why this is dangerous and why he shouldn't' ever don it again.
This was the beginning of Cory feeling the wind in his hair and the freedom of speed, well as fast as you can go on a trike on a short picnic table, HAHAHAH. He was in control...him and only him. No one was going to take that moment away from him, ever. For many years to come he would tell the story and later in years he told me what that moment meant.
The freedom that he felt for the first time in his life. There were no thoughts controlling his head or body, there wasn't an adult male controlling what he could and couldn't wear or could and couldn't do...it was his, the speed and the air...and that would be his drive to keep going for the rest of his life.
Cory - would say he was a challenge, he didn't like authority, he fought long and hard for what was right, and he never gave up trying to right the bad in his life...but most of all - as many of you have experienced. - he loved and he loved deeply...and he would do just about anything for anyone.
What is your wind in your hair? Are you changing the world in your little way????
Make a difference, give away to others...your skills, your love, your passions...help others. Life is way too short not too.
Keep on giving folks - keep on giving.
More stories - as I can pull them out.