We all have relationships in our lives; family, friends, friends you are closer to than others, co-workers, church people, clubs, socio-economic groups, racial groups, etc..... We all have multiple people in our lives.
Allowing people the keys to your heart after feeling pain, hurt, anger, loss, abandonment, betrayal, or anything else...is not an easy thing.
The feelings that we just me turned can fill up the key hole on your heart, so that no one, anyone, can hold a key to it.
I think that we all have multiple keys to our hearts. Our partner if we have one will hold a different key than a best friend would hold, and thy being different than the key that a family member holds.
It took me a long time to empty my key lock. Took a long time of soul searching and reliving I years of anise for me to be able to allow myself to give my keys away.
When I came to the realization that the words and actions of my abuser-were just that, words and actions---those things do not and will not define me. I deserve, as everyone else does, to have healthy-great relationships and I am allowed to be loved.
I realized its okay tourist, not everyone is like my sperm donor. Not everyone is out for their own purpose and for their own needs. People really do care and its okay to let them care about me.
I realized I am worthwhile, I am smart, I am worthy of others love and companionship, I am worthy of others time. I can allow people in my life and to be able to deeply connect with them because I am safe.
Not anyone person in my life, fills the key lock fully, it's like the keys are a puzzle...it takes many people and many keys to complete - this thing we call life.
It takes love, companionship, care, sentiment, time, Emotion, and many other qualities from many to make a full and complete life.
Something else I had to come to realization about, during the healing process, is my happiness is mine to own. I love to do for people, one of my passions, but if they don't react or seem as appreciative as I think they should, I realized, I am happy because I did what I felt right, and in te end that is what matters. I am in charge of my own happiness.
So to you all who are struggling--search deeps and see if you are allowing anyone to hold the keys to your heart. You are worthy of love, companionship, and care. So open that lock up and let those whom are important fill up the hole.
And rembwr friendships and relationships go both ways, foster them, care back, love first, do first, be who you want those in your life to be to you.
Praying for lives to be changed.