So, needless to say....I am glad I found my voice...and I love technology and the ability to have this blog....and type away anytime I want to. If it helps you in the least bit, I am thankful. If it doesn't help you at all, there are other blogs out there too.
So this year I have made some amazing new friends. I have also reconnected with some old friends, that were never truly gone. I have learned many, many things from all of them. One thing I have learned is that everyone has a story...and you may never know it, but you may impact someone without knowing what you have done.
Received a note from a woman I met over the holidays, she thanked me for impacting her for life. I wasn't sure what she meant and then I read further, now please know that I am not writing this for the recognition of impacting her life, but that in my ignorance for impacting someone without even knowing it. And what I have realized is that you have to live your life for purpose, being genuine and real all the time, being confident and living intentionally.
I was openly talking to this new friend the first night I met her about my abuse, I don't even remember how it came up now, she in her nonte about impacting her life, she talked about how a matter of factly I talked about the abuse, but how passionate I talked about my life and loving people. She said that she could tell I have a lot of faith, but that I am different and that she could tell that loving people is my passion...she thanked me for what I said that night.
Honestly, I have racked my brain, I can't remember the entire conversation, but I can tell you that I don't change who I am for anyone. This is me, I am who I am....I talk about the sexual abuse at the hands of my father, that he would come into my room at night and want to play horrible games with a child, as well as everything else that he would do. But I also don't apologize for my beliefs, I believe in God and I have a lot of faith, but with that being said...religion--I am not a big fan of....because, more than anything....I LOVE PEOPLE....loving people means everyone...
Hence why I am not a fan of religion...none of us should be judging people ... none of us. I think that is why Single Dad Laughing's post about "I am Christian.......Unless your gay...." impacting me so much. So many call themselves Christians, but have a laundry list of "rules", what happened to just LOVING PEOPLE?
Wow, a little all over the place, but thank you for your note to really impacted me this week. And has made me think...."AM I living each and every day with intention, with confidence, and with passion for others...that is my prayer..."
Someone else recently...said that they had been looking for someone to love them, this person then made a comment that they became passionate person of love and loving people passionately....that the love they were looking for came to them.
I can only hope that we all come to that conclusion....or learn that life lesson... that is a toughie.
One other thing that I have learned recently is to open my eyes....I have learned that every person I come in contact with each and everyday....there could be a profound reason...and to never take those meetings lightly.
Learning and growing each and everyday...I just hope to continue that growing and learning to be going in the right direction.
If someone has a stronghold on your life from your past or present....forgive and set yourself's an amazing feeling.
Love to all, praying for lives to be changed. (Check out the Youtube link below--watch it i