Timing....well do it when it's on your heart right??? So shared with her tonight, had her check out all the pages of this site and read 2 of the blog posts including the one that I wrote to her. We both cried. She still carries so much guilt for everything and I realized tonight, what I wrote in the blog post "Ode to my mother" I never told her any of that in person. I have always told her I didn't blame her and I don't hold any anomocities towards her at all...and that is the honest truth.
She was so excited to read what I wrote and said it really made her feel better, she said her "heart was overwhelmed". After she left, later tonight, I have been contemplating what she said and it got me thinking.....
How many of us are so wrapped up in life, or the impacts of our abuse, or the latest drama or trauma in our lives, that we haven't said the words that need to be said to those that we care about? It takes no time at all to say...."I FORGIVE YOU", I LOVE YOU", "YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME", "YOU BLESS ME ALL THE TIME", "THINKING OF YOU TODAY", "YOU IMPACT ME DAILY"???????
Have you used your verbal communication skils lately??? Have you shared what is on your heart??? Tonight I realized that the words that I wrote to my mother (all words I have felt for 16 years) were 16 years to late.....don't let your words be to late...don't miss out on an opportunity to impact a life of those that you love. They may never know how you feel or what is on your heart unless you speak it and tell them exactly what your feeling.
What about those that you don't know and your walking by? Putting your head down so that your not acknowledged or so that you don't have to acknowledge them???? Pick up your head, nod say hello...be the first....
“Strive to be first: first to nod, first to smile, first to compliment, and first to forgive.” - Anonymous
I love this saying.....say it before they think it, say when you mean it, say what you feel.....
Don't do like me and wait 16 years too long.
Love to you all, praying for lives to be changed :) Movin' and Shakin' going on in my life, I hope yours too.