”Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life.."-Mary Manin Morrissey
What hurt do you have to release? What fears do you have to release?? If you entertain the past, the hurts, the fear, the pain---it will continue to control and run your life. What in your past is continuing to hold you back from a new life. This isn't just the case for abuse/incest survivors, but if your mate has left you, a friend betrayed you, parent hurt you...any kind of pain, fear, or hurt in your past preventing you from moving on.....find your peach, find your voice, find your ULTIMATE FORGIVENESS.
It's interesting the more research I do...the more incest and childhood rape have touched peoples life . There is a book called "The Source of All Things". This book is written by Tracy Ross. This is her memoirs. Her story is about the abuse at the hands of her step-father and how she found her voice and her ULTIMATE FORGIVENESS! Please read the description of her memoirs below. Find your voice, speak your mind.....seek out your ULTIMATE FORGIVENESS!!
Tracy's story really tugged at my heart as some of the abuse that her step-father put her through my biological father did the same thing. Specifically the nightly visits that Tracy talkes about, these were a regular occurrence. I would work hard to pretend I was asleep and not feel or acknowledge anything he was doing to me. I would fling my arms, somewhat hitting him, acting like I was asleep and rolling over. Nothing I did made any difference to him, he continued these visits for a very very long time. It's amazing what abusers will put their victims/survivors through. Please read below, what an amazing story of forgiveness ---- Tracy Ross' "The Source of All Things".
Tracy Ross never knew her biological father, who died after a brain aneurysm when she was still an infant. So when her mother married Donnie, a gregarious man with an all-wheel-drive jeep and a love of hiking, four-year-old Tracy was ecstatic to have a father figure in her life. A loving and devoted step-father, Donnie introduced Tracy’s family to the joys of fishing, deer hunting, camping, and hiking among the most pristine mountains of rural Idaho. Donnie was everything Tracy dreamed a dad would be—protective, brave, and kind. But when his dependence on his eight-year-old daughter’s companionship went too far, everything changed. Once Donnie’s nighttime visits began, Tracy’s childhood became a confusing blend of normal little girl moments and the sickening, secret invasion of her safety. Tormented by this profound betrayal, Tracy struggled to reconcile deeply conflicting feelings about her stepfather: on the one hand, fear and loathing, on the other hand, the love any daughter would have for her father. It was not until she ran away from home as a teenager that her family was forced to confront the abuse—and it tore them apart. At sixteen, realizing that she must take control of her own future, Tracy sent herself to boarding school and began the long slow process of recovery. There, in the woods of Northern Michigan, Tracy felt called back to the natural world she had loved as a child. Over the next twenty years, the mountains and rivers of North America provided Tracy with strength, confidence, comfort, and inspiration. From trekking through the glaciers of Alaska to guiding teenagers through the deserts of Utah, Tracy pushed herself to the physical limit on her way to becoming whole again. Yet, as she came into her own, found love, and even started a family, Tracy realized that in order to truly heal she had to confront her stepfather about the demons from the past haunting them both. The Source of All Things is a stunning, unforgettable story about a wounded daughter, her stepfather, and a mistake that has taken thirty years and thousands of miles of raw wilderness to reconcile. Only Tracy can know if Donnie is forgivable. But one thing is for certain: In no other story of abuse does a survivor have as much strength, compassion, bravery, and spirit as Tracy displays in The Source of All Things
Love to all, praying for lives to be changed!